Title of Invention:
Umbrella With Swiveling Handle and Lifting Plastic Fibre Mechanism with LEDs.
Inventors: Akash Sharma
Prof.Seema Kedar
Prof.Swapnalini Pattanaik
Date of Filing: Application no.:
28/9/2017 201721034493
A hand-held umbrella with a mechanism of rotating handle for deployment of umbrella. Umbrella without any external metallic rib cage. A manual rotation of handle lifts the interior flexible fibres residing in shaft, these fibres are further used to open and close the umbrella. Umbrella shaft with special skull which is fixed in between both the cloths have number of holes for giving direction to the fibres. Fibres penetrates the cloth through specified holes and passes through cloths for deploying the working of umbrella. Tips of panels with LEDs and switch at handle portion. A cup cover for water collection and drainage.